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We design learning and entertainment content that
expands the possibilities of what came before it. 

At Playcanics, design is a labor of love. Our team of highly skilled artists, developers, and designers

is driven by an unwavering commitment to continuous improvement and success.



Our goal is to level up everything that

passes our desks with industry leading

software and hardware.

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Our team is dedicated to evolving alongside our clients, continuously pursuing product optimization and captivating audiences. 

High Volume? No problem.
We ship hundreds of digital products each year.

We innovate through iteriation.

We are experts in both premium content creation, as well as, high-volume scale up for large content libraries. For both situations we innovate using an A,B,C,D iteration model (alpha, beta, gold, and ship). It is through creative iteration that we define the ingredients, produce an innovative recipe, scale as needed, and execute to the project measures for success. 

Image by Max Duzij
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Time to Level Up? 


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